Bu implementation'ı Goodrich'in Data Structures & Algorithms kitabındaki AbstractTree sınıfının üzerine yazdım. Aslında anlatılacak pek birşey yok, her node'da bir ArrayList bulunmakta ve bu sayade istendiği kadar child eklenebiliyor.
package datastructures; /** * An interface for a position which is an abstraction for the * location at which a single element is stored in a positional * container. */ public interface Position<E> { /** * Returns the element stored at this position. * * @return the stored element * @throws IllegalStateException if position no longer valid */ E getElement() throws IllegalStateException; }
package datastructures.trees; import java.util.Iterator; import datastructures.Position; /** * An interface for a tree where nodes can have an arbitrary number of children. */ public interface Tree<E> extends Iterable<E> { /** * Returns the root Position of the tree (or null if tree is empty). * * @return root Position of the tree (or null if tree is empty) */ Position<E> root(); /** * Returns the Position of p's parent (or null if p is root). * * @param p * A valid Position within the tree * @return Position of p's parent (or null if p is root) * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if p is not a valid Position for this tree. */ Position<E> parent(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Returns an iterable collection of the Positions representing p's * children. * * @param p * A valid Position within the tree * @return iterable collection of the Positions of p's children * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if p is not a valid Position for this tree. */ Iterable<Position<E>> children(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Returns the number of children of Position p. * * @param p * A valid Position within the tree * @return number of children of Position p * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if p is not a valid Position for this tree. */ int numChildren(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Returns true if Position p has one or more children. * * @param p * A valid Position within the tree * @return true if p has at least one child, false otherwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if p is not a valid Position for this tree. */ boolean isInternal(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Returns true if Position p does not have any children. * * @param p * A valid Position within the tree * @return true if p has zero children, false otherwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if p is not a valid Position for this tree. */ boolean isExternal(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Returns true if Position p represents the root of the tree. * * @param p * A valid Position within the tree * @return true if p is the root of the tree, false otherwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if p is not a valid Position for this tree. */ boolean isRoot(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Returns the number of nodes in the tree. * * @return number of nodes in the tree */ int size(); /** * Tests whether the tree is empty. * * @return true if the tree is empty, false otherwise */ boolean isEmpty(); /** * Returns an iterator of the elements stored in the tree. * * @return iterator of the tree's elements */ Iterator<E> iterator(); /** * Returns an iterable collection of the positions of the tree. * * @return iterable collection of the tree's positions */ Iterable<Position<E>> positions(); }
package datastructures.trees; import java.util.ArrayList; // for use as snapshot iterator import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; // for use as snapshot iterator import datastructures.Position; /** * An abstract base class providing some functionality of the Tree interface. * * The following three methods remain abstract, and must be implemented by a * concrete subclass: root, parent, children. Other methods implemented in this * class may be overridden to provide a more direct and efficient * implementation. */ public abstract class AbstractTree<E> implements Tree<E> { @Override public boolean isInternal(Position<E> p) { return numChildren(p) > 0; } @Override public boolean isExternal(Position<E> p) { return numChildren(p) == 0; } @Override public boolean isRoot(Position<E> p) { return p == root(); } @Override public int numChildren(Position<E> p) { int count = 0; for (Position<E> child : children(p)) count++; return count; } @Override public int size() { int count = 0; for (Position<E> p : positions()) count++; return count; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; } public int depth(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (isRoot(p)) return 0; else return 1 + depth(parent(p)); } public int height(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { int h = 0; for (Position<E> c : children(p)) h = Math.max(h, 1 + height(c)); return h; } private class ElementIterator implements Iterator<E> { Iterator<Position<E>> posIterator = positions().iterator(); public boolean hasNext() { return posIterator.hasNext(); } public E next() { return posIterator.next().getElement(); } public void remove() { posIterator.remove(); } } @Override public Iterator<E> iterator() { return new ElementIterator(); } @Override public Iterable<Position<E>> positions() { return preorder(); } private void preorderSubtree(Position<E> p, List<Position<E>> snapshot) { snapshot.add(p); for (Position<E> c : children(p)) preorderSubtree(c, snapshot); } public Iterable<Position<E>> preorder() { List<Position<E>> snapshot = new ArrayList<>(); if (!isEmpty()) preorderSubtree(root(), snapshot); return snapshot; } private void postorderSubtree(Position<E> p, List<Position<E>> snapshot) { for (Position<E> c : children(p)) postorderSubtree(c, snapshot); snapshot.add(p); } public Iterable<Position<E>> postorder() { List<Position<E>> snapshot = new ArrayList<>(); if (!isEmpty()) postorderSubtree(root(), snapshot); return snapshot; } }
package datastructures.trees; import java.util.ArrayList; import datastructures.Position; public class GeneralTree<E> extends AbstractTree<E> { protected static class Node<E> implements Position<E> { private E element; private Node<E> parent; private ArrayList<Node<E>> children; public Node(E element, Node<E> parent) { this.element = element; this.parent = parent; children = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public E getElement() { return element; } public void setElement(E element) { this.element = element; } protected Node<E> getChild(int index) { if (numChildren() > index) return children.get(index); else return null; } protected void setChild(int index, E e) { children.get(index).setElement(e); } protected void add(Node<E> child) { children.add(child); } protected int numChildren() { return children.size(); } protected Iterable<Position<E>> children() { return new ArrayList<Position<E>>(children); } } protected Node<E> root; protected int size = 0; protected Node<E> validate(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!(p instanceof Node)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid position type"); return (Node<E>)p; } public void addRoot(E e) throws IllegalStateException { if (!isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Not empty"); root = new Node<E>(e, null); size = 1; } public void addChild(Position<E> p, E e) throws IllegalStateException { Node<E> parent = validate(p); Node<E> child = new Node<>(e, parent); parent.add(child); size++; } public Position<E> getChild(Position<E> p, int i) { Node<E> parent = validate(p); return parent.getChild(i); } public void setChild(Position<E> p, int i, E e) { Node<E> parent = validate(p); parent.setChild(i, e); } @Override public Position<E> root() { return root; } @Override public Position<E> parent(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> child = validate(p); if (isRoot(child)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root"); Node<E> parent = child.parent; return parent; } @Override public Iterable<Position<E>> children(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> parent = validate(p); return parent.children(); } @Override public int numChildren(Position<E> p) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<E> parent = validate(p); return parent.numChildren(); } @Override public int size() { return size; } }
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